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Kindly follow all the operational requirements in the manual. Failure to follow the requirements and guidelines in the manual will result in voiding warranties and will place people and property at risk of injuries and serious damages. Any modifications, alterations, misuse, work or service that is performed on the equipment or its components that is not performed by an authorized KNT Climbing personnel voids any & all claims to any manufacturer's liability.

It is buyer/operator's responsibility to know & understand all regulatory restrictions & limitations that apply to the products in their jurisdiction. SSI makes no guarantee, explicit or implied, that the product meets all requirements in the buyer/operator's jurisdiction.


    Design & Manufacturing Headquarters :

    Sr. No. 83/2/3, Dangat-Patil Nagar, Warje-NDA Road Shivne, Pune 411023, Maharashtra, India.

    Sales :
    +91 9822 848 017, +91 20 2529 0262

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Designed & Developed by Studio Kaizen LLP.